It makes memorizing stick with you better than the online counterpart. However, it wasn't until the mid to late 1800s that top players started using the opening consistently. 7. Instead of committing a central pawn on the first move, Black instead develops a piece and maintains flexibility. It brings well over 6. Nc3 Bb4. Chess openings visualized from over 800 million Lichess games, 2 million tournament games and 1 million chess engine games. Create a high-quality opening repertoire to play with both colors. Do you recommend online or offline chess database. Search Chess HQ's database of over 5 million chess games. Database is limited to . ”. Below you can see the best-scoring variations for White in the Scotch Game. e4 c6 2. Chess openings. Neskitzy. What Is The Largest Chess Opening Database? The largest chess opening database currently available is YottaChess, which contains a staggering 11. Read on to learn more! Dec 14, 2023 · 7. The difference in this opening is white offers to trade, or at least threaten, black’s knight on c6 with a bishop. Below is a list of chess openings organized by the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO) code. One of his most amazing and most recent game is what we are going to analyze and look at. In this video, I used Stockfish from Free online chess server. For most of chess history, was by far the most popular opening move. In the updated Mega Database 2022 you will now find over 9. White and Black are stored separately. e4 e5 2. Here is one of them: " [] there was one part I found to be misleading. b3 Nc6 6. The huge database is an invaluable tool to prepare for your Chess Openings. Play chess with the computer, friends or random opponents. Bd3 c5 5. 696,649 Games. But there's also highly useful new functionality for serious opening training. com/ ️ Get my best-selling chess book: https://geni. Chess. Many of them are named after places, famous chess players or a chess piece that features prominently in the opening. Browse the codes from the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings (ECO Codes) and get all the games in our database with the selected opening. d4 d5 2. For example, if you click on the “d4” opening, you’ll find the top games played with the “d4” opening. to learn opening variations) 6. Top players spent lots of time studying these lines just to gain an early advantage at the start of the chess battle. Dec 16, 2022 · Unfortunately, most chess players don't know how to study openings, so they just try to mechanically memorize the content of the books and videos mentioned above. Open PGN files. In addition to its opening database, the app recorded over 2 Oct 20, 2021 · It is one of the fastest chess game database formats/programs when generating databases and searching. 59% King's Pawn Gamee4 47% 49% 26% Queen's Pawn Gamed4 45% 50% 3% Zukertort OpeningNf3 45% 51% 3% English Openingc4 45% 51% 2% Van't Kruijs Openinge3 49% 47% 2% Hungarian Openingg3 46% 50% 2% Nimzo-Larsen Attackb3 46% 50% 1% Bird Openingf4 46% 50% 1% Mieses Openingd3 48% 48% 1% Van Geet OpeningNc3 47% 49% 0% Consolidated view of all your chess games from chess. The opening you want to learn has to be suitable for your style. us/gothamchess ️ My book in the UK and Europe: https://bit. The repertoire for your ideas suggests a tailored approach to building or expanding your opening repertoire based on personal preferences and strategic goals, offering a collection of new and updated opening articles, annotated games, and videos. Learn an opening by guessing a variation that connects two positions. Click '+' to add engine line. This database is completely free of charge and offers a vast collection of chess games, including both historic and modern games, as well as games played by top chess players. (Scotch Game) If you’re up for a vibrant and aggressive game, the Scotch Opening is your best bet. d4 d5, has stood the test of time and the scrutiny of the Jul 31, 2022 · After that, I moved onto a much broader survey of openings, Fundamental Chess Openings, which describes the main goals and ideas behind all the major openings. It is a very powerful open source free chess database program. Sep 25, 2021 · The Sicilian is the most popular and best-scoring response to White’s first move 1. Traditionally, bishops are slightly better than knights, depending on the situation. Click on OK. Bb2 g6 Réti Opening: Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack. Over the course of his career, former World Champion Garry Kasparov assembled a personal database of more than 20,000 openings and variations. Explore openings variations and find matching master chess games to study. Oct 12, 2021 · As you can probably already tell, the first and most important step in the process of learning an opening is choosing the right one for you. The Ruy Lopez is one of the oldest openings in chess. c4. Late in the 19th century, became very popular as well. IMKeto. I don't mind buying an app or paying a donation, but would prefer not to pay subscription fees. I would like something comprehensive that you can Feb 13, 2016 · Allows you to watch ChessBase training videos. d4 Nf6 2. Variation ChessBase is the ultimate online chess database with millions of games, openings, players and tournaments. Selecting the ten best chess opening books is impossible since chess players have different playing styles. King's Indian Attack. With a current ChessBase program and our update service you can regularly update the database with new games – round about 5,000 every week! Nov 30, 2017 · Bb5. Welcome to the new Mega Database 2021! Learn from annotated games, enjoy top tournaments or have a look at the opening repertoire of the world's best! The Mega Database 2021 contains more than 8,4 million games. King's Fianchetto Opening. com, lichess, grandmaster games or custom pgn. This resource is designed to equip chess players with the necessary tools and knowledge Analyse chess positions and variations on an interactive chess board Load your White or your Black repertoire as game notation. However, a number of strong grandmasters like Bobby Fischer and Aug 30, 2021 · 1. 2017) Kingbase (A database project that was discontinued in 2019 and is now only available in the Internet Archive) DATABASE4U (A database of a user of chess. The best tool to learn chess openings. It is a fantastic e4 chess opening for white, particularly popular among intermediate players for its dynamic playstyle and tactical richness. The Live Database is the full database by ChessBase, stored online, that can be searched from both the ChessBase program, as well as the browser. 5 million games, includes the playerbase pictures, move statistics, and even With our Opening Explorer you can browse our entire chess database move by move obtaining statistics about the results of each possible continuation. This game took place during the Speed Chess Championship Main Event 2021 during December. Or the opening for the Ruy Lopez, exchange variation is: 1. The Reti Opening, named for Richard Reti, is a product of the hypermodern school that became popular in the 20th century. Packing more than 85,000 annotated games, Mega 2020 contains the world‘s largest collection of high-class analysed games. Sep 13, 2009 · There are 2 programs, Chess Openings Wizard (commcerical) and Chess Position Trainer (free) that are used for opening learning, but you have to enter the lines to be trained yourself, or find books that have already been created by others to use. e4 c5 2. Bogo-Indian Defense. htm which itself is updated with games from TWIC up to january 2013, and another one I've build myself with TWIC games. chessly. price). Oct 5, 2016 · Older suggestions: In terms of simple online opening explorers, there's always the Shredder Opening Database, can be useful for quickly checking something. d4 d5 2. No registration, no ads, no plugin required. But is in an […] The Opening Explorer is a great tool for exploring the most comprehensive chess database online and learning from the greatest players of all time. Search position. Nh3. Nov 4, 2023 · His 2nd most played opening is Sicilian, but his most played opening is Ruy Lopez. ChessBase. Websites I've looked at so far are chessgames. 2. Jan 30, 2024 · PGN Mentor (Extensive archive with individual files for players, openings, opening variations and various tournaments) Millionbase (Database until approx. #3. Opening for 1. Feb 12, 2019 · I think, chessbase is the best and most reliable. Bird’s Opening. Employed by masters and beginners alike, the Sicilian Defense is a reputable and positionally sound opening. 4. Nf3 e6 3. One of the oldest registered openings, the Sicilian is full of Welcome to the launching pad for a deep dive into this fascinating opening, a favorite among novice players and grandmasters alike, known for its solid pawn structure, rich strategic content, and resilience against aggressive play. A paid database does not automatically mean it’s better than one that may be free. com that comes with a ChessBase account is a powerful tool to choose the lines you want to play and study, and to develop, learn, or refresh your repertoire. com) The data preparation process Magnus Carlsen Chess Games. chessbase. O-O Bd6 7. Now we are going to analyze the game. com’s Game & Opening Explorer Database is all you need to keep your opening repertoire up to the speed of ever-changing theory. Chess Openings Pro is a tool banking on its vast index of chess openings. That is suggested in its name, as Reti was one of the leading proponents of hypermodernism. Because of its repeated structures, this is one of the best chess openings for beginner and intermediate players. c4 e6 3. Black does not need to capture with but it is the best move. The suggested lines have huge practical value. New feature - GM Dorian Rogozenco goes into detail about the latest opening trends in top 1. Start the new year well-prepared. The openings are divided in five volumes labeled from "A" through "E". The King's Indian Defense is a hypermodern aggressive opening for Black as a response for 1. Bird's Opening. Bxc6 It is best to keep record of all your chess games and perhaps enter them into a database, or use your scoresheet to study what you did right or wrong, or prepare an opening or against you opponent the next time you play. The Caro Kann Defense. 1. Now, any database, opening article, or your own opening analysis can be loaded directly as an opening book to play against. Solve puzzles and much much more! My project page: 1. The fifth move introduced by Kasparov in his 1990 match defending the title against Karpov helped to popularize the Scotch again. Get more than just moves! The new Opening Encyclopaedia 2021 is a collection of all the opening articles from all the issues of ChessBase Magazine and with more than 1,200 articles it covers the whole range of openings. e4. Bobby Fischer (2785) Boris V Spassky (2560) 1. We hear stories of Masters who can play 15, 20, or 30 moves from pure memorization – despite the number of possible 20-move sequences to begin a game of chess being in the billions! E20-E59 Nimzo-Indian defence. For newbies, here are five of the best chess-opening apps available for Android and iOS: 1. 75% of code is SQLite and some other popular open-source libraries that are tested so widely and carefully. Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack. Wcndave. 41. A positional player might rate an opening book on the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack as the best chess opening book, while an attacking player will prefer a book on gambits. The Caro-Kann Defense, initiated by the moves 1. Until they fix it, you can split the PGN files , or use programmatic APIs such as python-chess or Scoutfish . Build collections of master games and personal games, and share them with your friends. d4 d5The move 1. Jan 7, 2022 · Below the database summation, you’ll see a “Top Games” section where you’ll see some top games played by the world’s best chess players. ChessOK has some software for teaching openings as well. | Drawing: ChessBase. Create opening books for specific opening or variation and use chess engine to play that spedific opening. The new Openings. 17% of all games between Grandmasters, and 25% of games in the Chess Informant database begin with the Sicilian. With the tree window open and the desired opening moves played on the board, go to menu Windows->Repertoire editor (Ctrl+Shift+R) and in the window that opens, choose Edit->Add group to add the current position to the repertoire. Nge2 e6 Closed Sicilian Defense: Chameleon Variation. c4 g6. The Opening Instructor, which is currently 1. Name tree Explorer. The free version, Shredder Chess Lite, limits you 100 puzzles. Because of this, it can be an excellent weapon for beginners to catch their opponents by surprise. Grob's attack (A00) g3. Chesstempo's move trainer is pretty useful, although it's pretty tedious to set up. com, this valuable games and chess openings database blows other ‘pretenders’ out of the water. To access the opening explorer, click on the book icon on the right side of the board when you are playing or analyzing a game GM Vaibhav Suri May 27, 2024. Today we are proud to reveal the Lichess Opening Explorer! Not only does it let you search through over 12 million Lichess games (and counting!) with more than 390 million unique positions , but it also features a specially curated database of 2 million master games from thousands of over-the-board tournaments since 1952! Jun 20, 2018 · What is the best chess database out there (quality vs. Opening Explorer. This is an exhaustive list of Chess openings for you to filter through and learn the ones you want to learn. Using this code is quite safe and can save a lot of headache and effort. Sit back and watch an automatic display of your repertoire, starting from the current position. Study openings variations, midgames, and endgames. Chess Opening Database. Bb5 g6 Sicilian Defense: Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo, Fianchetto Variation. The rest 25% (about chess) is tested carefully too. Carlsen, M - Anand, V. The ECO Codes is a classification system for the chess openings moves. The Mega is chess history and contains almost all top games ever played, many of them annotated by top players of the past and of today. Few topics intrigue and intimidate newcomers to chess like the study of so-called “Opening theory. The openings web app openings. Benko Gambit. Please recommend the best opening explorer to use. Aug 31, 2022 · The study of chess openings as been a major part of the game for hundreds of years, with countless books devoted to analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of various sequences. Grob Opening. The Indian Game is the all-encompassing name for several popular chess openings that begin with the moves 1. The game will open in a new window after you select it. ---- - : . It results in positions with an open center and often lots of tactics. Eval. Nf3 Nc6 3. Your Engine is now ready, you will find it when clicking “Add Kibitzer” at the Top. d4 offers the same benefits to development and center control as does 1. However I do it old school, I write out opening lines on paper and play through with them on a real board. I have two game/opening databases: the million database one top-5000. h3. An organization that plans to use it may add identifiable material that makes it possible to say where the information was taken from. d4 openings for White. But if you're an amateur or a beginner who’s wondering what a chess database can do for you, here are some ways to benefit from it: 1. The other challenge in compiling a list of the best chess opening books is the different skill levels of chess players Welcome to the the complete guide on Chess Openings. Chess Database with 30 million games, the world's largest collection of human chess games available now online. Play chess in a clean interface. Watch on. Search games. e4, but unlike with the King Pawn openings where the e4-pawn is undefended after the first move, the d4-pawn is protected by White's queen. Bb2 Bf5 Réti Opening: Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack. From any position, drill your repertoire. Without opening moves/games database you can't do analysis, exploring of opening moves, it's a must required tool. Each section has a link to the complete guide to that specific opening that tell you everything about that opening in detail. Shane’s Chess Information Database (SCID) SCID allows you to view, edit, and manage very large collections of chess games. Aug 24, 2015 · THIS! is the best database you can have. 2 million games, from the first recorded games in the history of chess to games played in October 2022. Traditional PGN databases, like SCID or ChessBase, fail to open large PGN files. Kasparov, G - Topalov, V. Our chess database is updated weekly. If you're a chess pro, a good chess game database is a must for you. e3 Nf6 4. If your time is limited and you’d like to save some for the other 170. Mar 19, 2022 · When you just start learning chess, you most likely have learnt openings first. Now the Opening Explorer has the best companion: the Chess Openings Trainer. The London is one of the best openings for beginners with the White pieces because of its ease of learning and the fact that it’s a system. Enter opening moves on the chess board below to see the name of that chess opening and to get statistics from human Grandmaster games for every moves. 1-0. The Sicilian Defense is the most popular response to White's 1. b3 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. b3 Nf6 3. com and chesstree. The Vienna Game is a 1. Chess Principles 1. We will continue […] At first glance, Fritz 19 is all about fun, with its quirky opponents and trophies. Following hypermodern principles, Black allows White to build a strong pawn center to later counter-attack it. Aug 19, 2021 · In this article, you’ll find a list of the best free Chess databases you can access right now, today and start using as well as a list of the best paid Chess databases you can purchase. 5/8/2019 – Developing and honing an opening repertoire is both fun and improves your results. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Game Database. 3. Despite being around for centuries, this opening is still one of the cornerstones of every elite players' repertoire. Download the weekly games from theweekinchess. Various learning fuctions to memorize openings. d4 Nf6. The Ruy Lopez opening follows the main principles of chess by developing both the knight and bishop for white. I think if you just google "chess opening database" you'll be fine. The Center Game is a opening defined by the move . . The ChessBase Mega Database 2020 is the premiere chess database with over eight million games from 1560 to 2019 in high quality. 1/17/2014 – Fairly recently, a new online tool was released by ChessBase with little if any fanfare, but that is of no small use for casual users: an online searchable version of the ChessBase database, accessible from your browser, and free. It doesn't have to be totally free. 342,433 Games. With over 1,300 articles, the Opening Encyclopaedia 2022 covers the entire range of openings. Click on the three dots next to Engine and search your Computer for the Stockfish application. Aug 14, 2022 · ️ Get My Chess Courses: https://www. Nf3 4. e4 openings, the Queen's Gambit usually evolves into a strategic game rather than an all-out tactical battle. d4 from White. Create high quality opening books for use by chess engines. There are over a 1,000 chess openings variations, but much less than that are used by the majority of chess players worldwide. The Queen's Gambit is one of the oldest and most reputable 1. Therefore, the questions posted by our readers in the comment section of my last article are quite instructive. Against 1. The main idea of the Caro Kann is to not limit the mobility of the light-squared bishop with e6. Bb2 O-O. A sharp opening, the King's Indian is not be the best choice for beginners. This one I found most instructive. Nf3 d5 2. 5. Nov 8, 2015 · 3. net. Search for games played in chess history. 0. com and 449389, 392231 games on other database explorers. This is the chess opening that you will love for your entire life because Black is playing not just for equality but for the advantage. Search. You can use it to learn from the best players, find new ideas, and avoid mistakes. b3 d5 3. Feb 24, 2021 · There are 1,000 puzzles to play in the $4 paid version of Shredder Chess on iOS. com, 365chess. Benko's opening (A00) b4. It was first analyzed by the priest in his book (Book of the Liberal Invention and Art of the Game of Chess) in 1561. Mar 10, 2010 · Here is how to create a repertoire. The move 1Nf6 is Black's main alternative to the symmetrical 1d5 when facing 1. Nov 19, 2021 · 0. Go to Parameter and put the Contempt to 0. The main line for White is 1. Benoni Defense. The Opening Explorer is a great tool if you want to study chess openings. In this course, he provides a full repertoire against the Catalan, and also suggests the Ragozin Variation for Black. The app currently offers 10,000 opening variations users can learn and explore. Ready made chess opening repertoires from beginner to master level. Prepare against your opponents by analyzing at their games and see which openings work for you. This A Closed Game (or Double Queen's Pawn Opening) is a chess opening that begins with the moves: 1. d4. Works on Windows, Linux and OSX operating systems. If you don't trust online binaries of if you want to extend ChessX with your own ideas: Download the source here and compile for yourself. Free online chess server. Containing millions of master games and games played by PROs and amateurs at Chess. Chess Openings Pro by LR Studios. Minimum Games Played: Opening Name (s): ECO Code (s): Note: Opening names are in English only. Nc3 Nc6 3. Generate repertoire - 2:30:00. Each line gets repeated three times. Budapest Gambit. play chess against the database (ie. Aug 4, 2021 · It would almost certainly not be applied for fairly small, random downloads: it might however be applied for full download/dump of a chess database. Any experience with chessbase, chessok, chesstempo or openingmaster? Clemenz (Mead's, Basman's or de Klerk's) opening (A00) g4. The full version of Shredder Chess on Android is $3. e4 e6 2. Bf4 3. Polish Opening. Study chess openings with spaced repetition, search our chess database of over 5 million games, and build collections of master games and personal games. Depending on what Black plays, the sequence of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th moves may be different, but those moves will be made. Give me your recommendations. Some ideas for White here: placing a rook on c1 and pushing for central expansion with c2-c4, or placing a knight on e5 followed by a f2-f4 push and a potential kingside attack. The Vienna is also suitable for more experienced players, with GMs like Viswanathan Anand and Alexander Shabalov Oct 24, 2017 · Chessbase is great with millions of games to choose from, I don't remember if it was free. E60-E99 King's Indian defence. An enormous treasure trove of ideas and high-level analysis! In the new edition, as usual the number of articles has increased – compared to the previous year 66 new opening articles as well as 349 A chess database with millions of master chess games from top players including Carlsen, Caruana, Nakamura, and past champs like Fischer, Kasparov, and more! Free and Open Source. 1992. e3. Opening. e4 players: The King’s Indian Attack. Search through more than 3,000 opening lines to find the perfect chess opening for you. Check the latest changes: There is a new Move Reader for visually handicapped users, a dark theme and many other tweaks and fixes. With it you can search for any position, player, tournament, or game, and see all the statistics such as the win/loss percentage, the Live Book data, and even search with an engine, all straight from the browser. From that moment on, the Ruy Lopez never fell out of fashion. Don't confuse this with Modern Chess Openings, which is mostly a printed database/catalogue of opening lines, with very little instruction at all. White has three main responses. Unlike 1. 8. After 3. Catalan Opening. . d4 2. Opening principles can give players an early advantage of the game. e4 c5. Compared to other 1. Piece Color: White Black Either. e4, black's first move 1. com. The Scotch Game is a sound way for White to play a 1. Mega Database 2020. c5 shows 424206 games for chess. The Center Game is an old opening that is rarely played at the top level in the modern era. Over 1,000 Chess opening variations! Chess openings are a grand project of humanity, stretching back in history and filled with theory, experience, and most importantly, passion and love for the game of chess. Chess Openings – Ultimate Guide…. 3 million moves from chess grandmaster games and gives you a survey what ever has been played by strong human chess players. nl/pgn. After his highly successful My Queen's Gambit Declined - Part 1, GM Vaibhav Suri completes his repertoire based on Queen's Gambit Declined. Oct 24, 2017. You also have to assess how much time you can dedicate to learning it. Still, the Sicilian is a combative opening that tends to lead to dynamic and sharp positions. Our database contains about 16. Caro-Kann Defense. e4 openings, the Vienna is much less common but theoretically sound. chessbase is not free. Train like a pro! May 23, 2023 · 1. Explore, learn and improve your chess skills with ChessBase. d4, the main continuation is 3…exd4. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A huge fund of ideas and high-quality analyses! In the new edition, the number of articles has increased - 66 new opening articles and 388 new opening overviews have been added compared to the previous year. Alekhine’s Defense. Bb2 dxe4 French Defense: Horwitz, Papa-Ticulat Gambit. With our Opening Explorer you can browse our entire chess database move by move obtaining statistics about the results of each possible continuation. Bb5 a6 4. The latter is the one I most use (as I have there the last contributions to opening theory), while the former With our Opening Explorer you can browse our entire chess database move by move obtaining statistics about the results of each possible continuation. The disadvantage is that the black knight is deprived of the c6 square. 2 million chess games. Polish (Sokolsky) opening (A00) Annotated chess games with this chess opening: Free online chess opening database and ECO explorer. e4 opening for White. Go to Chessbase, open a new Board, and click on “Create UCI Engine” on the Top. e4 e5 opening and avoid the heavy theory of the Ruy Lopez. Apr 25, 2023 · The opening explorer is a tool that shows you how often different moves have been played in a given position, and what the results were. Then there's the database available on chesstempo which is actually really detailed (statistics on each opening etc) and gives exemplary games of any opening played by real players. 11/14/2013, World Chess Championship 2013, 5. (then File->Save in your repertoire folder) Now each time you open your With our Opening Explorer you can browse our entire chess database move by move obtaining statistics about the results of each possible continuation. wb gi ak lo ad sr ru kl sl vr